Arrange a Visit

Since the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Sunday first arrived from France in 1997 she has travelled from the Highlands of Scotland to the South Coast of England. 

The Ambassadors of Our Lady of Sunday have the apostolate of enabling Our Lady to visit each area of the British Isles.  We will always ask for the blessing of the local Bishop before taking the pilgrim statue into a diocese.

Our Lady is scheduled to continue her visitation of England and Scotland, and we hope that in due course she will also be able to visit Ireland and Wales.

Many of those who have welcomed Our Lady into their homes and parishes have spoken of the importance of her visit for their families and their communities.  Through Our Lady of Sunday's intercession many prayers have been answered. 

If you would like the pilgrim statue to visit your parish, your prayer group, your school or your family, please e-mail your details, including telephone number, to Ambassadors of Our Lady: